Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Monday and Tuesday

Yesterday, we stopped at Monterey Bay Aquarium in the afternoon and then stayed in San Jose last night. The aquarium was very nice. The modern architecture showcased the water life in an artistic way. Every floor had large terraces that overlooked the bay. It was refreshing to be out there and watch the fishing boats. We enjoyed learning about the history of fishing and canning of Monterey Bay. Since I can never see fish without thinking how I would cook and eat it, I found it very interesting. I also loved seeing the fat tuna. Yum! The kids enjoyed the many hands on activities. Jerome and Asha were glued to the microscopes.

We are in Fortuna tonight. After some swimming this morning at the hotel, we drove through San Fransisco, Sonoma, and the windy roads of Red Woods. Driving two cars hasn't been bad at all. I didn't know how I would do since I had never driven more than two hours at a time, but so far, so good. Scott and I keep tabs on each other with a walkie-talkie. I also love it that I don't get car sick when I drive. I do have about half an hour each day where I get really sleepy. Do any of you have any tips to cope with that? Is Red Bull the only solution?

We made an offer on a house from the hotel this morning. Since we have not even set foot in the house yet, we put a stipulation that we see the house first. Scott's mom has viewed it and gave us her strong recommendation. We are excited to see what the sellers say.


Melissa said...

Look at you enjoying the sites as you move! If I ever move to another state, I am going to do the Campbell way with the pods and the mini-vacation. My dad swears by sunflower seeds to help him stay awake for long drives. Never tried it myself. Doesn't it feel good to know you can drive long distances by yourself? I remember when I drove the 10 hours to my sister's by myself and I felt like Wonder Woman.

Tine said...

San Francisco! Aaaawwww! I used to live there...it's such a wonderful city. The Monterey Aquarium is really nice. Sounds like you had a good time!

jacquie said...

Good luck with the house offer. I hope it's a good one. Driving...singing works for me...though not for the other's in the car!

twoplustwins said...

Sounds like you guys are having a great trip. In four years when we move back that way that is how we want to travel!
I would also have to recommend sunflower seeds. I really like the nacho flavored ones. But I will warn you I would only use then when you need to stay awake and can't They make my tongue feel raw after a really long time...of course that is a personal opinion and others might not agree!
Exciting about the house and I hope the move continues to go well.

Joe said...

Sounds like you guys are having a blast, but would you hurry up and get here!! We're so excited to have you here I can hardly wait! Sunflower seeds are good, I like the BBQ flavor, or any thing that you can munch on. A Mariners games also does a pretty good job of keeping me awake. Did you see the house that just came up a few houses down from Scott's parents? It looks really nice. Hope your offer goes through.

Mommymita said...

Fun adventures! I love aquriums and think it is so funny that you get hungry there looking at all the fish.

I can't wait to see your house as I'm sure you are too.

Good luck! As for driving I put on my favorite music and sing really loud - that seems to energize although it annoys the kids. But hey its not like they've never annoyed me on a long drive before.

Kimberly said...

What a great way to enjoy your move. Take it slow and good luck on the house thing!

adrianne said...

I drink TONS of water. (big surprise huh?) You can't fall asleep when you feel like you have to go to the bathroom.

All10Dixons said...

A riveting adult's book on tape (ie: not Thomas the Tank Engine.) The added bonus on this one is that the kids' complaining about the story and you trying to get them to be quiet really wakes everyone up! Or, there are a couple of stories on free audible.com (like EB White's) that the kids and I are all fascinated by. Alternately, you can pick an argument w/your spouse on your personal "hot button issue" . . . ours is family vacation. Very effective!

Jules said...

SO FUN!! Can't wait til you get here. My favorite way to stay awake is also good books on tape or CD, but if you don't have any, try Propel (like Adrianne, I use liquid, but Propel puts you in AGONY so much sooner...). I also keep a rubber band on my wrist and give it a good snap when I start getting groggy. Y'know. Torture yourself.

twoplustwins said...

Sorry Julia but your comment about the rubber band made me laugh out loud. I had never thought of that but hey I bet it works great. Kids screaming is another great form of "stay awake" torture though I think that rubber band sounds a bit better. I agree with the water idea as well!

Krustee said...

Melissa told me today that you had a blog! I'm so excited that I can follow you around now! On the way to church today we passed your house and Kedrick said, "I want to go play with Kai." I guess the whole moving thing hasn't sunk in. We miss you! So glad you are having fun on your trip up there!