I will provide these two lists for your convenience in hope that I will get everything I want for Christmas!
PLEASE give me these things
- 1 Wii OR 1 X box 360 WITH Bolt the Video Game Dear J, Well, I have a policy against giving smart kids video game consoles. Sorry.
- 1 Swiss Army Knife – got from parents
- 500 sheets colored origami paper
- 1 Multi-geared bike (boyish)
Things I want, but you don’t have to give me
· 100 sheets 8 ½ x 11
· 1 tank pressurized helium (for chemistry and physics)
· 1 large plastic toboggan
· 1 Nurf gun
· 1 subbuteo soccer field
· 1 notebook (red or blue)
Thank you,
Jerome Campbell
P.S. Remember, nobody’s perfect – especially Santa
I hope you like your car track.
Doll clothes patterns you can download for free are found here.
Quinn eating cardamom bread, a Swedish tradition Scott's family enjoys on Christmas morning with hot chocolate.
Quinn vacuumed all day.