Friday, October 31, 2008
Haloween - the little boys
Happy Halloween
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
7 - I got tagged
7 things that I can do:
1. make Scott tell me six things I can do
2. organize
3. multi-task
4. lift heavy things
5. shovel snow
6. draw
7. pack, move, and unpack REALLY fast
7 things I cannot do:
1. lie
2. needles or blood
3. focus when the house is messy
4. go to bed at a reasonable time when Scott is gone
5. make witty comments
6. take Advil when I have a headache
7. stare at bumpy textures
7 things I say often:
1. Turn off the water.
2. Turn off the lights.
3. I already said no.
4. Do you need to use the bathroom?
5. Put the socks in the laundry basket.
6. Put that book down!
7. I - just - loooove you. (Kai said this when he was really little, and now we all say it to each other.)
7 things I plan to do before I die:
1. help my kids develop faith in God
2. help my kids learn to eat good food
3. help my kids learn Japanese
4. help my kids learn to play a musical instrument
5. serve a mission with Scott
6. go on an Alaskan cruise
7. travel all over Japan with Scott and kids
7 things that attract me to Scott:
1. his faith
2. his confidence
3. his willpower
4. his humor
5. his cooking
6. his passion for fun family vacations
7. he makes me want to be a better person
7 Favorite Foods:
1. Japanese noodles
2. strawberries
3. flourless dark chocolate cake
4. paella
5. coconut curry
6. squash
7. seafood pasta
7 people who I would like to do this (only if you want to):
1. Yurika
2. Yuko
3. Alison
4. Kim
5. Allison
6. Kersten
7. Jacquie
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tracing patterns
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Whirlygiggles finished
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Asha turns seven
Friday, October 10, 2008
Google Reader
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Whirlygiggles top
Thursday, October 2, 2008
oilcloth lunch bags
So, I got some oilcloth from to make lunch bags with. I found too many cute patterns and ended up buying a bit more than I needed. When the package came, Asha saw me admiring the cute cloth and had a great idea. Why not make 10 more! Give them away as part of the party favors at her birthday party! "Oh, sure, what a cute idea!" I thought, but then had to think through before responding. It was going to be at least four hours of my precious time. Five if I put velcro on. Is it worth it?"
In the past, Asha has managed to put many things on my sewing list that I didn't enjoy doing. Some of the worst ones include setting sleeves in Barbie's wedding dress to make it more modest, mending rips in princess dresses, and making a padded cover for her chin-up bar so her tummy wouldn't hurt when she practiced gymnastics moves on it.
I decided the lunch bags would still be a fun project to do. I followed this tutorial, but also added the overstitch on the bottom sides. They turned out really cute, and I love the patchwork one I made with leftovers.